China is the Only Country Whose Major Economy Achieve Positive Growth in Its Economic Development Report in 2020

China is the Only Country Whose Major Economy Achieve Positive Growth in Its Economic Development Report in 2020

According to the Voice of China’s “News Evening Peak” report, the National Bureau of Statistics announced on the 18th that the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 will exceed the 100 trillion yuan mark for the first time, with a growth of 2.3% against the trend. Become the only major economy in the world to achieve positive growth. With the new crown pneumonia epidemic raging around the world, the world economy is in a severe recession, and the external environment is more complicated and severe, how exactly is such a beautiful report card written?

2020 is an extraordinary year in the history of New China. In the face of severe and complex domestic and foreign environments, especially the severe impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, my country has submitted an excellent report card. The value was 101,5986 billion yuan, an increase of 2.3% over the previous year. The per capita GDP exceeded US$10,000, the economic structure continued to be optimized, and major engineering projects were basically completed. Ning Jizhe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission and director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said: “The epidemic prevention and control work has achieved major strategic results. The main goals and tasks of economic and social development have been completed, and the completion is better than expected. The 13th Five-Year Plan was successfully completed. Officials, the victory of building a well-off society in an all-round way is in sight.”

A decisive victory was achieved in the decisive battle against poverty. Under the current standards, all rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, 832 poor counties have all been removed, absolute poverty has been eliminated historically, and 55.75 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty. In 2020, the seven provinces (regions) of Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Gansu, Ningxia, and Xinjiang, where there are more poor people, the nominal growth rate of per capita disposable income of rural residents is 0.2-1.7 percentage points higher than the national growth rate of rural residents. The macro-control has achieved remarkable results.

Ning Jizhe said: “The quarterly economic growth indicators have returned to normal levels. In the fourth quarter, GDP grew by 6.5% year-on-year, 0.7 percentage points higher than the same period of the previous year. In 2020, 11.86 million new jobs were created in cities and towns across the country, exceeding the full year. Goals and tasks. In 2020, the consumer price index CPI will increase by 2.5% over the previous year, which is lower than the expected target of about 3.5%. In 2020, the national per capita disposable income will increase by 2.1%, which is basically in line with economic growth.”

The implementation of “six stability” and “six guarantees” has achieved remarkable results, and reform and opening up have created miracles of development. The benefits of multiple ownership enterprises have been improved. Ning Jizhe introduced: “In 2020, the added value of high-tech manufacturing will increase by 7.1% over the previous year, 4.3 percentage points faster than the added value of all regulated industries. The growth of foreign trade and foreign investment is better than expected, and global trade and cross-border investment will shrink sharply. Under the circumstances, my country’s total imports and exports of goods in 2020 hit a record high, an increase of 1.9% over the previous year. From January to November, the actual use of foreign capital increased by 6.3% year-on-year.”

China is the Only Country Whose Major Economy Achieve Positive Growth in Its Economic Development Report in 2020

In 2020, the total economic volume will exceed the one-hundred-billion-yuan mark. Ning Jizhe emphasized that this means that my country’s economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and comprehensive national strength have jumped to a new stage. It is of great landmark significance for building a well-off society in all respects and starting a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. He pointed out: “Within 20 years, the total economic scale will be expanded to 10 times, and the achievements have attracted worldwide attention. In 2020, my country’s GDP will reach about 14.7 trillion US dollars, ranking second in the world, and accounting for 17% of the world economy. Around. In 2020, the per capita GDP will exceed 10,000 U.S. dollars for two consecutive years, stabilizing the ranks of upper-middle-income countries, and the development gap with high-income countries will continue to narrow.”

“You can go up to nine days to capture the moon, and you can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles” has become a reality. Technological innovation is becoming more and more active, injecting new vitality into high-quality economic development. my country’s industrial and agricultural production capacity has increased significantly. The total grain output hit a record high and continues to rank first in the world.

“The output of more than 220 kinds of industrial products ranks first in the world, and the added value of manufacturing is expected to rank first in the world for 11 consecutive years. The infrastructure continues to improve, and the total operating mileage of high-speed railways has reached 38,000 kilometers and the mileage of expressways has exceeded 155,000 kilometers. The number of 5G terminal connections has exceeded 200 million, ranking first in the world.” Ning Jizhe said.

More importantly, this has laid a solid foundation for my country to build a new development pattern. Ning Jizhe said that the key to accelerating the formation of a new development pattern in which domestic and international cycles are the mainstay and the mutual promotion of domestic and international cycles lies in tapping the potential of domestic demand, especially consumer demand. He introduced: “my country’s population ranks first in the world, and the middle-income group is also the largest in the world. In 2020, the total retail sales of consumer goods will be close to 40 trillion yuan, the final consumption expenditure will exceed 55 trillion yuan, and the total capital formation will also be close to 45 trillion yuan. This will help my country’s superior market size to be further brought into play.”

In the past year, the total retail sales of consumer goods continued to show negative growth throughout the year, down 3.9% from the previous year. However, the third and fourth quarters have turned positive, especially in the fourth quarter that the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 4.6%. This rate has begun to approach the normal level of previous years. Ning Jizhe said that my country’s consumption is still the ballast stone for the stable operation of the economy! “From 2011 to 2019, my country’s consumption rate averaged 53.4%. In 2020, despite the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the final consumption expenditure accounted for the proportion of GDP. It still reaches 54.3%, which is 11.2 percentage points higher than the total capital formation, and is the highest level in recent years. Consumption is still the ballast stone for the stable operation of the economy.”

Ning Jizhe said that due to the epidemic, the growth rate of total social consumer retail sales fluctuated slightly in December, but from the overall trend, my country’s consumption was able to play a fundamental factor in economic development while increasing production and supply. Looking forward to 2021, there are many favorable factors that support the stable recovery of the economy. my country’s economy has a foundation and conditions to continue its steady recovery. Although the current pressure on the prevention and control of the epidemic to “import from external defenses and rebound from internal defenses” is still great, the fundamentals of my country’s long-term economic improvement have not changed.

“The obvious institutional advantage is the fundamental guarantee for economic stability and long-term social stability. Although the epidemic has spread in some places recently, the overall impact on the economy is controllable. We have the conditions and ability to control the spread of the epidemic and operate the economy. Stay within a reasonable range to achieve sustained and healthy development of the Chinese economy.” Ning Jizhe said.

Water Flosser Quality Control Inspection Service

Some common factors for Water flosser quality control:


Quantity check

Measurement(weight & size)

Assembly test

Waterproof test

Leaks water test

Water jet impact test

Noise test

Hi-Pot test

Charging test

Open/close function check

Power test

2 minutes automatic shutdown test

Water tank volume test

Basic function check

Barcode scan

3M tape test for Logo

Why electronic products need high temperature aging test

Why electronic products need high temperature aging

Main functions: In order to achieve a satisfactory pass rate, almost all products must be aged before leaving the factory. How can manufacturers increase their efficiency without reducing aging time? This article introduces a new approach to functional testing during the aging process to reduce and shorten the cost and time issues associated with the aging process.

In the semiconductor industry, there have been various debates about the aging of devices. Like other products, semiconductors may fail at any time due to various reasons. Aging is to allow defects to appear in a short period of time by overloading the semiconductor to avoid failures early in use. Without aging, many semiconductor products will cause many problems in use due to the complexity of devices and manufacturing processes.

Defects that appear within hours to days after use (depending on the maturity of the manufacturing process and the overall structure of the device) are called early failures. After aging, the device basically requires 100% elimination of failures caused by this time.. The only way to accurately determine the aging time is to refer to previously collected aging failures and failure analysis statistics, and most manufacturers want to reduce or eliminate aging.
The aging process must ensure that the factory’s products meet user requirements for reliability. In addition, it must be able to provide engineering data to improve device performance.

Generally speaking, the aging process uses rigorous tests on semiconductor devices in both the working environment and electrical performance to make faults appear early. Major faults occur at the beginning and the last tenth of the device’s life cycle. Aging is to speed up the operation of the device in the first 10% of its life, forcing early failures to occur in a shorter time, usually hours rather than months or years.

Why electronic products need high temperature aging

Not all semiconductors are classified according to the customer’s product needs:

For example: for drug storage, the name may be called a constant temperature room. For electronic products, automobile meters, energy meters, LCD monitors, industrial meters, mobile phones, etc., the name of the power-on aging screening may be called high-temperature aging room or high-temperature aging screening room. Do inverters, electronic equipment, computer hosts, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, printers, water dispensers, tires, etc. The name may be called high temperature aging test room or aging room.

The outer frame structure of this equipment is composed of double-sided color steel thermal insulation board. The size is customized according to customer requirements and configured according to different requirements. The aging room is mainly composed of a cabinet, a control system, a wind circulation system, a heating system, a time control system, and a test load. Through the aging test, defective products or defective parts can be detected, which provides effective means for customers to quickly find and solve problems, which fully improves customer production efficiency and product quality.

As the performance and environment of the aging room must ensure the required temperature, power quality, load capacity, working hours, and the safety and habits of the operator, a set of qualified aging equipment should be a safe, reliable, and efficient Energy-efficient, fully functional and scalable equipment.